Environment, Social, and Governance

May 9, 2023

Strategy Creation for Built Heritage Conservation by Private Sector Engagement for an Indian State

The client, a state government of India, aimed to provide a strategy for the development of built heritage sites by attracting private investment. They required Intueri’s […]
May 9, 2023

Conducted Country Assessment for an Indian tea company

The client, an India-based tea company, acquired majority stakes in 3 African tea companies. The client approached Intueri to provide counsel regarding the choice of country […]
May 9, 2023

Project to study the existing business model and development of a strategy, including digital strategy, for A well-known handloom and handicraft product marketing and retail chain undertaken by a state government of India

The client, a State government of India, wanted to study the existing business models of established handicraft retailers to establish, encourage, assist and carry on Khadi […]
May 9, 2023

Project with A Large Multilateral Agency on Private Sector Engagement in Inland Waterways

The Client, an international financial institution and multilateral agency that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries to pursue capital projects, […]